game plan 精心策劃的行動。
精心策劃的行動。 “game“ 中文翻譯: adj. 〔口語〕跛的,瘸的;殘廢的,受傷的。 “plan“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.計劃,設計,方案,規劃;方法;進程表;時間表。 ...“the game plan“ 中文翻譯: 比賽計劃“master game plan“ 中文翻譯: 主行動計劃“a game“ 中文翻譯: 一個游戲,一次比賽“be game“ 中文翻譯: 勇于“game“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.游戲;娛樂;戲謔;運動。 2.(運動、棋類等的)比賽,競賽;(比賽中的)一盤,一場,一局;勝利;比分,得分,比賽成績。 3.〔 pl.〕 比賽會,運動會。 4.游戲用具,比賽器具;比賽方式;比賽規則。 5.計劃,事業。 6.花招,詭計,策略。 7.〔集合詞〕獵物,野味;(鵠等的)群;野外游戲[游獵、鷹狩等]。 8.追求物,目的物。 9.膽量,勇氣。 10.〔口語〕行當,職業。 What a game! 多精彩的比賽啊!多么有趣! a close game接近的比分。 an advertising game廣告競爭。 a game not worth the candle 得不償失。 How is the game 勝負如何? The game is 4 all [7 to 6, love three]. 比賽成績是4比4[7比6,0比3]。 The game is up [over]. 無成功希望;一切都完了。 One careless move loses the whole game.〔諺語〕一著不慎,滿盤皆輸。 None of your games! 別耍花招了! That's a game two people can play. 這一套你會我也會。 That's not the game! 那樣干不對。 The same old game! 又是那一套老玩意兒!慣用伎倆! winged game可獵鳥類。 big game【打獵】巨獸[獅、虎等];巨大的目標,冒險的事業。 fair game 非禁獵的鳥獸;正當目的物;攻擊的對象。 forbidden game 禁獵的鳥獸。 ahead of the game 〔美口〕(特別在賭博中)處于贏家地位。 be on [off] one's game (馬、選手等)競技狀態好[不好]。 fly at high game 胸懷大志。 fly at higher game 懷有更大的抱負;得隴望蜀。 force the game (板球等中)冒險快速得分。 game and game = game all 一比一。 game and (set) 【網球】比賽完結。 a game of chance 碰運氣取勝的游戲。 a game of skill 憑技術取勝的游戲。 give the game away 露餡。 have a game with 蒙蔽,瞞騙。 have the game in one's hands 有必勝把握。 make game of 嘲笑,捉弄。 play a dangerous game 干冒險玩意兒。 play a deep game 背地搗鬼。 play a double game 耍兩面派。 play a good [poor] game賭法高明[笨拙]。 play a losing [winning] game 作無[有]勝利希望的比賽;干明知無益[有利]的事。 play a waiting game 待機下手。 play sb.'s game = play the game of sb. 無意中給別人占了便宜。 play the game 按規則玩游戲;做事光明正大,守規矩。 see through sb.'s game 看穿某人詭計。 speak in game 說著玩,開玩笑。 spoil the game 弄壞(事情)。 throw up the game 罷手,認輸。 adj. 1.關于獵獲物的,關于野味的。 2.斗雞似的;雄糾糾的,勇敢的,倔強的。 3.對…有興趣的,愛。 game pie 野味餡餅。 be game for [to do] anything 對什么都有興趣。 die game 死斗,死拚;奮斗到底。 vi. 打賭,賭輸贏。 vt. 賭輸 (away)。 adj. 〔口語〕跛的,瘸的;殘廢的,受傷的。 “game in“ 中文翻譯: 有局方“game to“ 中文翻譯: 勝一局“in game“ 中文翻譯: 競技狀態良好“no game“ 中文翻譯: 被判為無效的比賽“the game“ 中文翻譯: 生日游戲; 心理游戲; 這場游戲; 致命游戲“they game“ 中文翻譯: 太空防衛戰“plan“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.計劃,設計,方案,規劃;方法;進程表;時間表。 2.圖,圖面;平面圖,設計圖;示意圖;圖表;(街市)地圖。 3.雛形,草案;輪廓,梗概。 a plan of attack [compaign, operations] 進攻[作戰]計劃。 I have a plan for overcoming our difficulties. 我有克服這些困難的方法。 The better plan is to peel them after boiling. 煮后剝皮較好。 a floor plan 平面圖。 a raised plan 投影圖,正面圖。 a working plan 工作圖。 a perspective plan 透視圖。 according to plan 按照計劃。 form [lay] a plan 擬計劃。 in plan 作為平面圖。 give plan to 使…發揮。 vt.,vi. 1.計劃,設計。 2.制(圖),繪(設計圖)。 3.〔美國〕打算 (to)。 planned economy 計劃經濟。plan on 〔口語〕打算,想要(plan on going to London 打算去倫敦)。 plan out 想出,計劃出。 “plan for“ 中文翻譯: 為...作計劃, 打算“plan on“ 中文翻譯: 打算“plan to“ 中文翻譯: 計劃做“plan-“ 中文翻譯: comb.f. 〔用于元[母]音前〕=plano-. “the plan“ 中文翻譯: 計劃“to plan on“ 中文翻譯: 對...作預算“game and game“ 中文翻譯: 雙方各勝一局“electronic game、e-game“ 中文翻譯: 電子游戲“floor plan framing plan“ 中文翻譯: 樓板結構平面圖“mandatory plan; administered plan“ 中文翻譯: 指令性計劃“master plan and detail plan“ 中文翻譯: 主要計劃及細部計劃
Along with the will and desire to work hard ; you must be wise enough to develop a “ smart “ game plan with a clear and concise purpose and direction 藉著毅力與渴望的努力,你一定能夠聰明的找出一個“聰明“的運動計畫且有著明確簡潔的目標與方向 |
George , your comment that “ the new tv contracts are outstanding “ clarified your game plan 喬治,你: “新電視合同是多么出色”的言論,證明了你的游戲的意圖。 |
Along with the will and desire to work hard ; you must be wise enough to develop a “ smart “ game plan with a clear and concise purpose and direction 藉著毅力與渴望的努力,你一定能夠聰明的找出一個“聰明“的運動計畫且有著明確簡潔的目標與方向 |
George , your comment that “ the new tv contracts are outstanding “ clarified your game plan 喬治,你: “新電視合同是多么出色”的言論,證明了你的游戲的意圖。 |
game preserver |
The game plan is a competition where teams of 4 to 8 divers 2 to 4 buddy pairs is to join in a race to spot and record as many species of fish as possible in the hong kong waters within an 8 - hour period 觀魚大賽為隊制潛水歷奇比賽,每隊潛水隊伍由四至八人每隊再分成兩人一組的潛水小隊組成。潛水員須在八小時內,在香港水域中盡力搜尋和記錄不同品種的魚類。 |
Speaking at the international paralympic committees general assembly meeting in beijing , mr mills said that integration of olympic and paralympic games planning would be a hallmark of the 2012 london games Mills先生在北京國際殘疾人奧林匹克運動委員會全體大會上發言時指出,綜合規劃奧動會與殘疾人奧運會將成為2012年倫敦奧運會的顯著特點。 |
They were a smart defensive team , too , able to lock in a game plan to become a surprisingly good defensive playoff team considering they had few good defensive players 同樣,防守上他們也同樣充滿智慧,由于擁有聯盟中少數最好的防守球員(克里斯蒂) ,他們能夠早早的洞悉對手戰術意圖,把它遏制住,從事令人吃驚的變成恐怖的季候賽防守球隊。 |
Flex : what effect does the ifbb advisory , which in part states that distended stomachs - - something you ' ve been criticized for in the past - - will be penalized , have on your olympia game plan and mindset Ifbb的顧問團剛提出說太過突出的腹部- - -你以前經常被批評的弱項- - -將會被罰分,對你的準備奧賽計劃有什么影響嗎? |
But i got out of the blocks well today and , you know , i just went out there with the game plan that roger and i had put together , and , you know , just executed it perfectly and did what i needed to do 休伊特:是的,我在比賽中完全占了上風。這是一場不同類型的比賽。在比賽中,我按部就班,一切按賽前部署去打。 |
You ll gain a complete planning game plan , boiled down to a few essential principles and steps that will help you succeed today and get ready fro future growth 您會學到整套網站策劃方法,并濃縮到那么幾個原則和步驟,這些原則和步驟關系到您今天的成功和將來的發展。 |
In addition to the game plan that must go into project ; you must take a step back from the mental landscape and see the answers through the trees of peer pressure and self doubt 在計畫中除了必需要有運動計畫之外,你必須從心理層面退一步藉由壓力與自我懷疑來找出答案 |
Think about what you want in a relationship and who you want to spend time with and lay out a game plan that will allow you to spend more time with that person 巨蟹座:考慮一下在這個關系中你想要什么,你想和誰共度美好時光,制定一個計劃和你心目的那個人共度吧。 |
Quitting might seem like the hardest thing you ' ve ever done . but don ' t lose hope . our step - by - step game plan will help you beat your cravings for good 戒煙或許是你曾經所做的最難做的事,但請不要放棄,我們的階梯式游戲計劃將能幫助你戰勝你的欲望,贏得勝利。 |
Never lock yourself into just one game plan , or playing style . the other teams are watching . they will figure you out , and turn you into toast 千萬別讓自己只有一種打法或是風格.別的隊伍也在觀察你們.他們會找出對付你們的方法讓你們只有挨打的份 |
That should be enough to get you started . once your purpose , intention , and game plan are in place and you have begun a regular neurobics regimen , there is final step 您可以出發了。當您的目標,意愿和計劃就位后,您就可以開始您的思想之旅了。 |
Make a game plan and rehearse it . when you must decline a request , determent in advance exactly what you will say . you ' ll feel more confident as a result 擬定行動策略并演練。必須拒絕請求時,應事先確定要說些什么。這樣你會感到更有信心。 |
Along with the will and desire to work hard ; you must be wise enough to develop a “ smart “ game plan with a clear and concise purpose and direction 藉著毅力與渴望的努力,你一定能夠聰明的找出一個“聰明“的運動計畫且有著明確簡潔的目標與方向 |
In game 1 , wang had been too strong and the pitch did not sink , causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more sliders and changeups 在第一戰時,小王因休息太久而使他的下沉球無法下沉,破壞了他投球計劃而讓他投了許多滑球和變速球。 |
But here ' s the thing : the acquisition of the rocket would be a bonus for the yankees , but it probably shouldn ' t be considered part of the basic game plan 但是目前的事情是:或得火箭人對洋基來說是紅利,但是他可能考慮不打球了。 |